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Each year on February 14th countless millions of people celebrate a day known as “St. Valentine’s Day.” The sad fact is that most people never question the origin of the customs that they involve themselves with. Read more...
In hierdie boodskap verduidelik Pastoor Dries hoedat die leiers van die wêreld as ook die mensdom self in hul trots en rebellie teen God tot op die uiterste gaan om God te terg en te tart. Hoe dat die mens self sy eie god wil wees en weier om te buig voor die enigste, ware en lewende God. Ja waarlik, die wêreld staan gereed om deur God geoordeel te word!  Read more...

We live in a culture that is "addicted" to talk-therapy. It is how the world copes. This same mentality has invaded much of the Western Church. What did pastors do one hundred years ago?


What does the Bible really say of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? 


While much of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of December, can the actual day of Jesus' birth be determined from scripture? This question will be explored in some detail, and will yield a result that is quite intriguing.


One of the newer and more insidious attempts to derail true Christian believers is a movement known as Chrislam. As the name implies, this is a deliberate blending or mingling of Christianity and Islam. While some gullible Christians might think this is a neat idea, it is in fact bad news. Indeed, here are ten reasons why no biblical Christian should even consider heading down this path.


An important change is taking place in the hearts and minds of many people with regard to the spiritual and political claims of Palestinians in traditional Jewish territories. They are now regarded by some as the original inhabitants and also the spiritual heirs of the Promises Land – and all of that at the cost of Israel.


Daar is in die harte en denke van baie mense 'n groot verandering besig om pos te vat ten gunste van die geestelike en staatkundige aansprake van Palestyne in die tradisionele Joodse gebiede. Hulle word nou as die oorspronklike inwoners en ook die godsdienstige erfgename van die Beloofde Land gesien – en dit alle ten koste van Israel.


Most everyone is familiar with the old saying, “Seeing is believing”. Slight-of-hand tricks often fool observers into believing in magic, but there is no such thing as magic. Deception often comes from another angle, too, such as instances where something that is indeed true is being portrayed as being false. Thus, it can bleed over into philosophy and religion with little effort, and the results can determine a person’s eternal destiny.


For the overwhelming part of Christendom the judgment of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25 represents the great and final judgment at the end of time. They believe the sheep go to heaven, the goats go to hell, the world is destroyed and that ends it all. Many connect it with the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20:11. And some even believe they will not know if they are saved or lost until then.


"Escapists" believe Jesus will rapture the church out of the world before the start of the Seven Year Tribulation, often called the 70th week of Daniel chapter nine. Is this view biblical?


Several incorrect premises have caused some to reject the pretribulation Rapture and accept the position called the "postribulation Rapture." The first premise is an emotional contention that it would be unfair for the modern Church to escape to heaven scot free to escape the martyrdom that other believers have experienced. While it is easy to understand such an emotion, it would be wrong to deny the doctrine of the pretribulation Rapture on this basis alone. The reality is that while many Christians have endured tremendous persecutions and tribulations, untold millions of believers have lived out their lives in times of peace.

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2 Corinthians 9:6-7

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