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Die gemeentes in Openbaring was dus bewus van die belofte oor die eerste opstanding wat net vir die regverdiges bedoel is, wanneer die ontslape én lewende gelowiges in ‘n oogwink verheerlikte liggame sal kry. Paulus sê: “Die basuin sal weerklink, en die dode sal onverganklik opgewek word; en ons sal verander word”  Read more...
Twaalf redes waarom daar aan die einde van die kerkdispensasie ‘n wegraping vir die ware gelowiges sal wees.  Read more...
Shavuot in Hebrew literally translates “weeks” in English or “Feast of Weeks”. The Greek term for Shavuot is “Pentecost”, which translates to 50, or 50 days. Shavuot is celebrated seven weeks (49 days) and one day after the first Shabbat occurring during Pesach or Passover, hence 50 days!  Read more...
Biblical teachings about the rapture, the end-time restoration of the nation of Israel and the millennial kingdom have, through various phases of church history, been spiritualised and brushed aside by theologians. Faith in these promises has, however, been revived time and again to become a strong motivating power in the lives of believers.  Read more...
Many Christians are not aware of the full implications of the rise of Islamic states in the Middle East. They do not realise that their extension of power is aimed at establishing a comprehensive Islamic ideology in the world. At its core it is religious, but this ideology embraces the entire culture of a people as it also constitutes Islamic political, social, and educational institutions, as well as Islamic morality and sharia law. Islamic fundamentalism is incompatible with and hostile towards all other ideologies and religions in the world.  Read more...
Nine facts that disprove the claims about the lost tomb of Jesus.  Read more...
The Bible gives very clear directions to the nations, particularly to the Believers, about their conduct and responsibilities towards Israel. If this advice is heeded, YHWH promises to bless both parties - the giver and the recipient.  Read more...
In the Greek, and generally western mind, "love" is a philosophical idea.  In the Hebraic mind, love is more about doing something, as contrasted to feeling something.  Read more...

Het jy al jouself afgevra waar kom dit vandaan? Is dit regtig my Messias se geboortedag? Is dit Skriftuurlik?


Kersfeesvieringe neem hoofsaaklik die vorm van sekulêre feeste aan omdat dit met heidense vieringe ter ere van die songod vermeng geraak het. Daar is steeds groot meningsverskille oor die tyd én die wyse waarop Kersfees gevier moet word. Die feit is dat die jaarlikse Kersfeesvieringe op 25 Desember verkeerd geskeduleer is en op 'n hoogs gekommersialiseerde wyse deur Christene én nie-Christene gevier word.

A look at where the root of our Christmas Tree customs stem from.  Read more...
Om afgode te dien, te vereer, te maak, te verdra, te akkommodeer, na te jaag, te vertroetel, te vertrou, te vrees en selfs net te vermeld is in die oë van Yahweh 'n gruwel. Tog flankeer ons steeds vandag nog met afgodery.  Read more...

A study by Chanté & Rochelle van der Berg (aged 15 and 12 respectivly) on the traditions, origins and truth of Christmas.

Die belofte oor die wegraping is van die allergrootste belang. Hierdie gebeurtenis sal die kerkbedeling afsluit  wanneer die ware Christene na die hemel weggevoer word om voor die regterstoel van Christus te verskyn. Verwag jy dit en is jy hierop voorbereid?  Read more...
It is now only a matter of months before a Palestinian state will be formed within Israel. It appears this was written in the ancient prophecies of the Bible, over 2,500 years ago. It was Ezekiel who pierced the veil and foresaw a conflict between two nations in Israel. Read more...
 Boere-Afrikaners moet as ‘n saak van dringendheid hulle geestelike perspektief regkry, want dit is van die allergrootste belang. Té lank was ons in kerke waarin vervangingsteologie verkondig is deurdat die kerk as die "geestelike Israel" in die plek van Israel gestel is. Read more...
Die regte etniese identiteit van Israel én die nasies sal verwarring voorkom oor wie ons regtig is. Die Boere is nie Israeliete nie!   Read more...
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2 Corinthians 9:6-7

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