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Die koninkryk van die duisternis is ‘n werklikheid waarvan elke mens kennis moet neem.

One common point used on nearly every site that oppose the pretribulation doctrine is the claim that the rapture theory was started by a Scottish girl named Margaret MacDonald. Join us as we examine this view.

In van die mees onverwagte plekke kom ons te staan voor 'n oplewing in die ou heidense stamgebruike van insnydings in die vel, liggaamlike deursteking en liggaamskending. Dit is alles deel van 'n aanvallende mode standpunt waarmee die Christenkerk uitgedaag word.
During the last few centuries, the world, Christians included, has fallen into a bad habit. We have bought into some early Roman propaganda. We have used the name Palestine.

Don't all religions lead to God? Isn't one faith as good as another? Isn't it arrogant to say that only one religion leads to salvation?

Examining all the evidence, we conclude that the New Testament was inspired in Hebrew (or Aramaic) and then later translated into Greek. The testimony to this is voluminous and logical.
Did you know that the Heavenly Father has a name? The surprising truth is that the Name of the Creator of the universe if found 6,823 times in ancient Bible manuscripts, yet it was concealed by Bible translators who believed it was too holy to use.
Now this is a very interesting question; and probably one of the most important questions any Christian could ask themselves.
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2 Corinthians 9:6-7

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