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Short Bible Studies on the resurrection and catching up (rapture/harpazo) into the air of true Christian Saints just before the 7 year Tribulation  Read more...
The Rapture of the church involves all believers being caught up to heaven—those just resurrected, together with those alive at the time. If it occurs at the beginning of the tribulation period, then clearly Christ’s Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation to rescue Israel in the midst of Armageddon is a separate event.

Many deliverance ministries believe that we must take world dominion from Satan. This is why they attempt to bind demons in people, cities, regions and nations. To explain what they do and why they do it I have to detour on a rabbit trail but if you stay on the trail or take a shortcut to the end of the topic it will bring you back to dominionism.
Most Bible prophecy teachers would say the Laodicean church age started around AD 1900. This is correct but when Laodicea appeared among Thyatira (Catholics), Sardis (the near dead denominational churches) and Philadelphia (the Church of true believers), she was not the predominant church of that era. That is no longer true. By what we see taking place in Christianity today there should be no question that Laodicea is now the predominant church type of our age.  Read more...
Almost every seminar and teaching series in Evangelical Christianity is now laced with doctrines of psychology as if psychology was biblical or even scientific truth. Much of psychology is founded on doctrines of humanism and demons. Psychology is the virus in the backbone of so much evangelical teaching that it is getting hard to find evangelical teachers that are not helping to spread the virus.   Read more...
The harlot that denies the blessed hope of the Messiah's coming tried to set up Dominion Theology on the earth believing that she will receive the promises of Israel. Her kingdom dream fails when the forces of Antichrist turn against her. If only the woman was not obsessed with social actions, worldly affairs and earthly pleasures.  Read more...
The Nicolaitanes were a group of professed Christians who believed when "Thou shall not commit adultery" was quoted, their favorite reply was "We are not under law, but under grace." They claimed they were free from the law and that the Ten Commandments are not binding on Christians.  Read more...

Prosperity teachers are alive and well in the church today. Using their psychic powers, these ministers literally control the action of the crowd.  These modern Jacobs are masters of deception. They live like kings and brag about it.  When you understand Scripture, the entire ideas they promote are utter blasphemies. Satan has invaded the church by means of these clever charlatans. Let’s move away from this idea of divining wealth by soulical and psychic powers to the One World Religion that is quickly developing and spreading like wildfire.

Infant baptism is not a Scriptural doctrine. It is not found in the Bible. There is not one example in the Bible of one single baby being baptized. We will show that baby baptism is of pagan origin.  Read more...
According to Shi'ite tradition, the Twelve Imams, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law Ali Ibn Abi Talib, were endowed with divine qualities that enabled them to lead the Shi'ite believers and to function as Allah's emissaries on earth. However, when the Twelfth Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi disappeared in 941 CE, his connection with the Shi'ite believers was severed, and since then, the Shi'ites are commanded to await his return at any time.  Read more...
The world – especially the church world – is preparing for the Grand Opening of the Great Tribulation. The noisy old-school church that holds to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture will be removed out of their way. Our presence empowered by the Holy Ghost holds the Wicked One, the Antichrist, at bay and restrains him from his official position as the head of the One World Order. The Antichrist is probably alive but being held in reserve and angry that his readiness to step up to the Satan-appointed task keeps getting held down and hindered. The entire world of One World advisors and promoters will call for the greatest celebration of this generation. Declaring the World of Nations as “One World Under god” will create pandemonium in every major city of this earth, even Jerusalem.  Read more...
Petra, meaning “Rock” in Greek, is a deserted city south of the Dead Sea in Jordan. In antiquity it was known as Seir, metropolis of the Edomites. The only entrance to the city is through a narrow gorge almost two kilometres in length, which can easily be guarded and even blocked if necessary, thus rendering Petra a very safe refuge. Israel’s expected flight to Petra during the second half of the tribulation period should be understood in the light of the fact that, in the end-time, great distress because of worldwide persecution will befall Israel and enfold them like a dark cloud  Read more...
The theology and practices of T.B. Joshua deviates radically from evangelical tenets.In the light of the fact that we believe we are living in the last days before Jesus’ return, and that one of the warnings Jesus gave us was that immediately before that time there would arise on the scene “false prophets” who would be able to perform “signs and wonders…so that if possible they would be able to deceive even the very elect”, It is extremely important that we be all the more discerning… We must "try the Spirits to see whether they be of God”  Read more...
Theophostics is false teaching dressed in psychological garb: that is the point of this article and the premise I will defend for the rest of this paper.  Read more...
The Good News of the Gospel is: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; (for it is written, ‘Cursed is every one who hangs on a tree’) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus” Gal. 3:13-14. We need not and cannot add to the finished work of Calvary! There is no curse on those who are in Christ. When you encounter people talking about generation curses, tell them how to receive generational blessings! Read more...
The phenomenon of falling (being slain) in the Spirit is an unbiblical practice which surfaced in the charismatic movement for the first time during the second half of the 20th century. Since then it has spread all over the world and become an instrument in the hands of the devil to establish a false kind of mystical spirituality in the lives of millions of people. This practice still continues, and it is imperative that young believers should be warned against its dangers.  Read more...
What is preterism?
This theory argues that all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled; it states that nothing remains on the prophetic calendar. According to preterism, events like the rise of the Antichrist, the tribulation, the rapture, and the Day of the Lord all took place around 70 AD, the year the Romans invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the second Temple.  Read more...
All the big religions in the world are characterised by strong messianic expectations. They look forward to a messiah who will eradicate unrighteousness on earth, kill the evil people, stop suffering, heal divisions by a new unity and brotherhood, and introduce a time of unequalled peace and prosperity on earth. Religious convictions everywhere are driven by these expectations, thereby challenging people to ensure a place in the future utopia by leading a life of dedication to religious principles.  Read more...
In the mystical faiths of the East – particularly Hinduism, Buddhism and Shintoism – there is a strong messianic expectation in spite of their polytheistic nature and the absence of a supreme being. Through the centuries, different masters of wisdom have emerged in these faiths, having reached a high level of deification through continued reincarnation and intense spiritual illumination. They enjoyed a big following and were worshiped as gods after their death. The big eastern religions expect the reappearance of one of these masters of wisdom to save humanity from its afflictions and lead all people to higher levels of spiritual illumination.  Read more...
Are we fulfilling the great commission as set out by Yahushua or are we trying to keep alive a dead building used twice a week? (Part 2)  Read more...
Are we fulfilling the great commission as set out by Yahushua or are we trying to keep alive a dead building used twice a week?  Read more...
A Methodist pastor asked a member of his congregation who is a pathologist, "What do you think was the physical cause of the death of Yahushua?" From this innocent question a study developed and eventually an article was written and submitted to JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association). The article was a united effort of a medical pathologist, a Methodist pastor, and a medical illustrator.  Read more...
It is difficult for most of us to hear about someone being beaten, tortured, and falsely accused. And when these things are done to the innocent, it is particularly disturbing. "The Passion of Christ" has opened up much debate and dialogue about the suffering of Jesus. The fact that it happened to someone who was without sin makes the suffering death of Jesus Christ overwhelming, yet it was necessary for the salvation of mankind.  Read more...
In the traditional Jewish marriage, the bride was taken to the huppah for seven days before being shown to the guests at the wedding. The seven days were the consummation of the marriage. Prophetically, it points to the seven years of the bride’s absence between the rapture and her public revelation.  Read more...
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2 Corinthians 9:6-7

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